Shows and publications
2022 - 2023
\\ SilviaRossi Art Gallery - permanent exhibition - Italia
\\ WOWxWOW Art Gallery - group show - Scotland
\\ Amolà Art Gallery - permanent exhibition - Italia
\\ nannygoatgallery - permanent exhibition - CA
\\ Spazio Mec - Gallery - Italia - Group show
\\ Every Day Original - Gallery - USA
\\ Galerie Albane - Nantes- Francia - Art on permanent display
\\ Artwhirl Gallery - NY - Group show
\\Altro Spazio D'Arte Magazine online - Interview
\\ Penumbra Art Gallery - Lisbona - Group Show
\\ JaamZIN Creative magazine -Singapore - publication in the magazine
\\ AD Creative magazine - Italy - Interview
\\ Galleria 8,75 - Reggio Emilia - Italia - Group show
\\ Beautiful Bizarre Magazine -Australia - contemporary art magazine -publication
\\ Inverarity Gallery - Scotland - Group show
\\ Private commision - USA - Cover CD
\\ Spazio Gerra Gallery - Reggio Emilia - Atelier
\\ Beautiful Bizarre Magazine - contemporary art magazine - Australia - publication in the magazine
\\ Temporary Art Gallery - Reggio Emilia - Solo show
\\ Inverarity Gallery - Scotland - Solo show
\\ Inverarity Gallery - Scotland - Group show
\\ Sally Centigrade Gallery - Denver - Group show
\\ L'Orangerie interior designer - Reggio Emilia - guest artist in "Mercante in fiera"
\\ Gristle Gallery - Brooklyn - Group show
\\ Ghost Gallery - Seattle - Group show
\\ La Bogega Gallery - S. Diego (CA) - Group show
\\ Gristle Gallery - Brooklyn - Group show
\\ Penumbra Art Gallery - Lisbona - Group Show
\\ Inverarity Gallery - Scotland - Group show
\\ Falcinella Gallery - Mantova - Group show
2015 -2014
\\Penumbra Art Gallery - Lisbona - Group Show
\\ Mantova Creativa art festival - live show
\\White Noise Gallery - Roma - Group show
\\Satura Gallery - Genova -Group show
\\Clutter Magazine - The best artistic reality of customization toys NY (USA)
\\Gastalen Magazine- Berlin- creative pool-
\\ LCS Magazine - USA- space of illustration and art
\\ Lostat E Minor -Austin TX_USA- publication of trends and pop culture